That's IT ... we9alt 7addy .. I'm really TIRED .
Tired of Studying
Tired of here
Tired of the weather
Tired of being alone
Tired of staying at my apartment all day .. all alone
Tired of the rain
Tired of people
Tired of my Stupid major
Tired of TV
Tired of my Computer .. elly mjableta 24 hrs
Tired of my whole life ..
Its been raining here for a whole week ... and its making everything else sooo much worse ... ya3ny inshallah meta y9eer el 9aaaif .. 6oool el sena shetaaa :@ ... meta ashooof el shams ... AAAHHH GOD ... i miss KUWAIT
I Miss My MOM
I Miss My sisters
I Miss My room
I Miss Me doing nothing
I Miss the SUN
I Miss the A/C for some reason
I Miss the streets
I Miss the malls
I Miss My little fridge back in my KWTs apartment .. the one that is always empty .. except for KDDs pink orange juice.
I Miss KDD
I Miss Kraft jebin gla9aat
I Miss My bed
I Miss 9amoon falafel :S
Anonymous said...
where do u study? ur 19 and married young but cute :)
Anonymous said...
I have a feeling we're in the same country, lana il mo6ar bada3 :/ ka2aba.
I miss every single thing you mentioned too. :<
Curly Curls said...
Anony: lol thats a secret :P and yup i'm married :)
Elieruby: YUP el mo6ar bada3 .. w i'm getting depressed :(
Anonymous said...
is ur hubby with u or r u alone???? hope u feel bettter don't be depressed insalllah soon and u willbe back for the amazong weather and the lovely heat!!!! =D
Anonymous said...
typo sorry
Curly Curls said...
ya he's with me :) .. but since its examz i dont see him that much :S :(
hope i get un-depressed real soon, thanx hun :)
Anonymous said...
where r up in scotland?!
It sounds that you have nothing else to do outside... if u were in the US or UK u wouldnt be feeling like that...
honey it's ok May is almost done o June is almost here...
O if i were u, i would change my college and go to a place more lively... hathe mahee 3eesha teg3den ten7akroon 4 years min ur young lives ib hal malal o il qatta!!!! Mako jam3at thaniya?!
Daddy's Girl said...
Im not annonymous ... ana Daddy's Girl tra, il comment before malty but for some reason ur blog ista3yal o posted it before i filled in my details...
Curly Curls said...
Daddy's girl, madry laish when i read ur comment i laughed :P
No i'm not in scotland ... w ya it gets boring here laman y6eg mu6ar 24hrs 7 days a week .. w its examz time w i'm not allowed to go out :S ..
its not bad when its sunny w no rain .. i could go take a walk or something .. bas el mu6ar ely thabe7ny ..
LooL i cant change my college .. ana w rayle ga3ed nadres in the same college .. w were both halfway .. ya3ny 7adda mo wakta afaker a'3ayer .. ba3dain el country mafeeha shay except the stupid weather :P ;)
Daddy's Girl said...
Sweety, why are u not allowed inich u go outside during exam times?
shloon y3ni ur not allowed? U know ur in college right?!
y3ni ok study for exams, after exam take ur hubby or alone o take a stroll in a park nearby or a little cafe, a nice cup of coffee with a little ipod on ur ears if ur alone... then go back o in7absay 3la keefich...